


CULTURE AND NATURE. Local communities for heritage: good practices in Central Europe, ed. Dominika Zaręba, Piotr Szmigielski, Fundusz Partnerstwa, Kraków-Cieszyn 2023. 

“Culture and Nature”, Declaration about the role of ecotourism in protecting and preserving natural and cultural heritage, Cieszyn, March 29th, 2023.

“The Good Grantmaking Guide. An approach to the principles and processes of participative grantmaking for civil society organizations”, Veronika Móra, Dominika Zaręba, Miroslav Kundrata, Anna Wozniak, Tomáš Růžička, Peter Medveď, László Potozky, Lubomira Kolcheva, Environmental Partnership Association, Brno 2016.

“Ready to Go Green. Mobility Management: Sucess Stories from Central and Eastern Europe”, Environmental Partnership Association, 2014.

European Civil Society Strategy. Reclaim Our Civic Space, 2023.

“Sustaining Civil Society: Lessons from Five Pooled Funds in Eastern Europe”. Barry Gaberman, Merrill Sovner I William Moody, Nowy Jork, 2019.


“How to engage citizens with the sustainable development goals. 

Inspiration, tools and cases from
FRAME, VOICE, REPORT! – a DEAR-funded project aiming to raise awareness and engage EU citizens to act for Sustainable Development Goals

Finnish Development NGOs Fingo, 2020, ed. Pauliina Savola (Made in Pasila) and Johanna Harjunpää (Fingo)


“Sustainable traveling”, Dominika Zaręba, Magazyn AIRGATE, 2020.

“Strategic Partnership for Building a Democratic Society in Europe” – Report from the Conference in Prague, Glopolis, Nadine Partnerstvi, 2022.  


“Strategic Partnership for Building a Democratic Society in Europe” – Report from the Conference in Prague, Glopolis, Nadine Partnerstvi, 2022. 

Robert Tolles, Andreas Beckmann, “A Decade of Nurturing of Nurturing the Grassroots the Grassroots”, Environmental Partnership for central Europe


CIGS Annual Report 2023