Ecotourism and sustainable tourism



Ecotourism as the most environmentally friendly form of tourism is the core of the concept of sustainable tourism concept. It is organized in naturally and culturally valuable areas, it is attended by people with high ecological awareness, and it proceeds direct support for the local community and economy.

 (by Dominika Zaręba, “Ekoturystyka”, PWN, 4th ed. III, 2020).

Ecotourism implemented in synergy with other forms of entrepreneurship, such as sustainable agriculture and processing, crafts and handicrafts, and related forms of environmentally friendly tourism, can be an important stimulator of the development of those regions of Poland whose greatest capital is nature, landscape and cultural heritage. We have a chance to make ecotourism our brand in Europe and around the world.

Ecotourism is closely related to many forms of travel and complements each other (active and specialized tourism, sightseeing tourism, agritourism, heritage tourism, culinary tourism, adventure tourism, health and spa tourism, etc.), which is its additional advantage and potential for innovative development of naturally and culturally valuable regions.


1. Popularizing knowledge about ecotourism and sustainable tourism in Poland among local governments, non-governmental organizations and the tourism industry;

2. Promotion of ecological travel and ecological awareness of individual tourists;

3. Supporting examples of good practice in ecotourism in Poland and exchanging knowledge and information with other countries in Europe and the world.


1. In cooperation with the Malopolska Marshall Office we implemented the pilot project on “Malopolska Ecotourism – sustainable development of the region”

2. “Ecotourism a chance for Poland – document and strategy prepared for the Polish Tourism Organization (author: Dominika Zareba).

3. 29th of March 2023 in Cieszyn, 25 European organizations signed the “Culture and Nature”, Declaration about the role of ecotourism in protecting and preserving natural and cultural heritage. We invite all the organizations and institutions that endorse the Declaration, to sign it!