9th of November 2024 in Czech region Broumovsko – project partner Nadace Partnerstvi planted 70 fruit trees forminng the Alley of Freedom. Trees were planted by residents, representatives of local governments, companies, social organizations, schools and the media. The first tree on Freedom Avenue was planted by the presidential couple, Petr Pavel and Eva Pavlova.

It was the inauguration event of the “Planting Our Future” project co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund – partners of the project: Nadácia Ekopolis Nadace Partnerství. Fundusz Partnerstwa, Klub Gaja


How many people participated: 300

Which main partners:

  • President of the Czech Republic
  • Ministry of the Environment
  • Strategická rada regionu Broumovsko
  • Rotary Club Prague International
  • Cetin
  • Clean Advantage
  • Mendelova univerzita v Brně

How many trees and what species were planted: 

  • 90 trees
  • species sorbus and prunus

No. of media coverages: More than 9 including coverage at major television news

zdjęcia: Katarzyna Paterek, Dominika Zaręba