What can be done and how to help in connection with the war in Ukraine:

1/6 Support for local Ukrainian humanitarian organizations operating in Ukraine:

• HospitallersГоспітальєри Госпитальеры Hospitallers – voluntary emergency services at the front. In addition to medical activities at the front, they train other medical volunteers


Ukrainian Red CrossЧервоний Хрест України Хрест України – first aid training for citizens / citizens, psychosocial support, with further escalation, URC volunteers will provide medical assistance where access to medical care will be impossible / limited.


• NEW WAY – a local organization operating in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts since 2016. The organization with which I worked in the Donbass (then operating as the arche noVa international organization – in 2020 transformed into the local New Way organization). It operates mainly in the water and sanitary sector, currently provides water, among others to hospitals and nursing homes: https://www.facebook.com/newway.chf/

Misja ProliskaГуманитарный Штаб ОО”Комитет по делам вынужденных переселенцев” – have been operating since the beginning of the war in 2014, since 2016 as an audited partner of UNHCR. They operate in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Now the main activities are the evacuation of civilians from places subject to military actions, with particular emphasis on orphanages, hospitals, collective accommodation for internally displaced persons; psychosocial support.



Voices of childrenГолоси дітей – psychological and financial support for children and entire families who especially need support.


Ukraiński Ruch Kobiet Weteranek / Ukrainian Women’s Guard / Українська Жіноча Варта – they prepare women to survive in war conditions and to act in crisis and defense situations, rehabilitation of veterans, legal support.



SvoiСВОЇ – covid assistance (palliative care, breathing support), adult oncological care. Currently, they are expanding their activities to include ad hoc support for those in need of help as a result of the escalation of the conflict.


Everybody CanКожен Може/Everybody Can – medical and social support for children with disabilities and internally displaced elderly people.www.everybodycan.com.ua


2/6 Support for Polish organizations operating in Ukraine

Pomoc Ukrainie/Help Ukraine – Farmaceuci.org – https://zrzutka.pl/pomoc-ukrainie-farmaceuci-org . Created by Rafał Hechmann, a pharmacist and a long-time employee of the humanitarian aid sector overseeing its delivery in places such as the Gaza Strip, Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, Libya, Poland and Ukraine.

• Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH)– Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) – has been operating in Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict in 2014. In response to the escalation, it will distribute food and hygiene packages. PAH stays to the east at the line of contact for as long as possible. I worked with PAH while living in Kiev, on my first humanitarian mission.


• Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej (PCPM) – Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) – humanitarian aid in areas related to military operations, evacuation of the population and psychological help for children. They operate through a local partner.


• Polska Misja Medyczna / Polish Medical Mission – transports of medical supplies from Poland to Ukraine (dressings, gauze, tourniquets and other medical supplies necessary to save lives).


• Fundacja Służby Ratunkowe RP – Foundation of the Rescue Services of the Republic of Poland – collect funds to support the activities of Ukrainian medics as well as additional equipment and activities of the Support Team for International Medical Activities of the Integrated Rescue Service, which announced the readiness of the Rescue Team to travel to the area of ​​the conflict and strengthen the activities of medical services.


• #RazemDlaUkrainy zbiórka od zrzutka.pl – https://zrzutka.pl/razemdlaukrainy


Solidarni z Ukrainą/ In Solidarity with Ukraine https://pomagam.pl/solidarnizukraina 

Fundacja św. Mikołaja – St. Nicolas Foundation https://mikolaj.org.pl/zbiorki/ukraina/

3/6 International organizations operating on the territory of Ukraine

• People in Need – they are currently directing their activities to the west of Ukraine, but also provide, as far as possible, access to water for civilians remaining along the front lines. Besides – psychosocial support, food vouchers and hygiene packages.


• International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – the priority is to protect water infrastructure (access to clean and safe water) and medical infrastructure (medical centers, such as hospitals and clinics).


• HelpAge International – support for older people experienced as a result of an armed conflict (financial support and basic necessities).


• #TechForUkraine: Fundacja Tech To The Rescue launches a campaign to support Ukrainian NGOs by technology companies. Cybersecurity, information exchange and resource management – these are key areas that require support from our eastern neighbors in the face of Russian aggression.


4/6 Evacuation from Ukraine / Assistance at the border

• The procedure of entry to PL for Ukrainian citizens for the Legal Aid Center of Halina Nieć: Important information for Ukrainian citizens! – Важливі інформації для українських громадян: https://bit.ly/3vkVUZv

• Evacuation from Ukraine – what to remember when fleeing the war for by Fundacja Ocaleniehttps://ocalenie.org.pl/zalatwto/ewakuacja-z-ukrainy-o-czym-pamietac-uciekajac-przed-wojna

• Information about the Polish-Ukrainian border: https://strazgraniczna.pl/pl/aktualnosci/informacje-o-granicy-polsko-uk?fbclid=IwAR0iTtWkyzEpFdBLHZMES8CuCpFNz0G1BitL83bEpdRpd2t09xls9yQlEas

5/6 Support in Poland

 Fundacja Ocalenie – Help for people from Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/donate/275450921370284/10158746197833137/

• Ukraiński Dom w Warszawie / Український дім у Варшавіhttps://www.facebook.com/UkrainskiDom

Visible Hand – Видима рука – українська секція (Польща)


• Polskie Forum Migracyjne – Polish Migration Forum – telephone psychological support: https://www.facebook.com/PolskieForumMigracyjne/posts/336302085205724

• Homo Faber – help in the region of Lublin  https://www.facebook.com/222576883645/posts/10160648366783646/

• Fundacja Aktywne Roztocze – help in the region of Roztocze, transporting necessary supply to Westerm Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/Fundacja-Aktywne-Roztocze-105436672088049 

Folkowisko Foundation – direct humanitarian aid for Ukraine and refugees. The goal of the Foundation is to organize and provide humanitarian, cultural, educational, developmental, charitable and socially useful help as well as to counteract social exclusion in conflict regions: https://www.facebook.com/TheFolkowiskoFoundation 

6/6 Support for the Ukrainian defense

Vostok SOSВосток SOS – have been operating since the beginning of the war in 2014. Currently, it is focusing on the evacuation of civilians from the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. They collect funds for the various needs of the army:



Army SOS – manages the purchase of the necessary ammunition, shields, communication and reconnaissance devices, etc., and delivers all goods directly:


Phoenix Wings – appropriate equipment and uniforms, personal non-lethal protection (vests, helmets), necessary treatment of wounded soldiers and renovation of buildings used by the army:http://wings-phoenix.org.ua/en/about-fund/

Come back alive – works directly with the command and personnel of military units, purchasing infrared thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles, hemostats, etc .: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/

The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account in many currencies (UAH, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CNY, CAD, JPY) to support the Ukrainian army:



List was made by: Katarzyna Zwolak